So it's been a day since I've broken the 'big news' that I'm to go out on a limb and try to forge a career being a freelance writer with no financial back up plan...other than sponging off the parents if needed.
All things considered I'm feeling pretty good about it. I've had one journalist say he "admires my balls". If I was in my old, adult infused line of work I'm sure I would have come up with some witty innuendo, but instead I took the compliment and said thank you. In fact it's shocking how many of my friends have come out of the woodwork and admitted they wish they had the bollocks to cut loose and do it too because already, even at the tender age of 24/25, they find themselves stuck in jobs they don't enjoy. That's not cool. That's not living, what are supposed to be, your freedom years. Bah to it all I say!
Tonight has been very productive too. When I said I was going to throw myself into writing I thought it might take me a week to two to get round to it; procrastination is a bitch and unfortunately I find I suffer from it quite a lot when I write. Luckily, this has not been the case. I actually had to force myself to sleep last night because I had a few too many excitable ideas floating around in my head. This is good, very good in fact because it means I'm on target to get at least two feature pitches written up tonight and plan to do more tomorrow, however it's not so good when you're clock's telling you it's 1am and you have to get up in five hours.
Hopefully all of this optimism will pay off. I guess the rejection letters haven't started rolling in yet and I think that'll be the true test of how strong my balls are...
RoseC -x-
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