Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Moral dilemmas

Ok, so there are going to be a few disturbing topics discussed here this evening. If you're of a sensitive nature or easily enraged then I suggest you stop reading now. I'll give you a few dots to represent a 'moment' for you to decide that.


Lovely, so if you've reached the bottom of the dots you've decided to stay with me. Well done and may I commend you on your bravery because some of what I'm about to say ain't gonna be pretty and to be fair it's actually taking a lot of courage for me to go into this as I could loose a lot of friends. I'm just going to come out and say it and I can only hope that you don't judge me too harshly...

Last night I watched Katie Price's, Signed by Katie, and sort of enjoyed it.

Wow, I can see the FaceBook friend count going down already! Jokes...

Really though, having this programme on my TV is my first moral dilemma of the evening. I can't stand shows that objectify people in a shallow, demeaning way and so I'm horrified that I sat and watched it. I get angry and often shout at the TV at shows like Next Top Model, X-Factor or Paris Hilton's Best Friend (or whatever it was called) because all of those shows objectify (usually) women and is basically people - not usually the brightest of people - standing in front of strangers and allowing the 'panel' to judge them on looks and appearances alone, and continue to stand there and take the barrage of abuse from people who, if we're honest, are just as fame hungry and probably as insecure as the 'contestants' they're 'judging'.

To briefly fill you in on the premise of the show and to put it in all it's shallow context, it's basically Katie (Jordan) Price and two of her cronies travelling around the country, setting up in shopping centres (hmm, classy) and getting men and women to strut out in front of them in swimwear and then the three witches decide on looks and 1 minute conversation if this person is marketable and can make KP more money and if she thinks they can then they get put through to Boot Camp. Now there's a formula that sounds familiar.

At least it doesn't dress it up and is honest enough to admit that Jordan is only after money and the limelight, but has been disguised - in my opinion - to look like she's passing on all of her "worldly business woman" advice. It's fine that some of you may argue she's a real business woman that's built her 'empire' on not a lot other than appearance and salacious stories for gossip mags. Good for her. Problem now is that she's past it. We're fed up of her, her career is pretty much baron and so now she's trying to latch on to someone else, younger, better looking, less botoxed (perhaps) and I'm sure preferably less intelligent so all those "marketable" qualities can line her pockets slightly thicker than her own. Ahh the selfishness of show business.

So anyway, I watched this half-hour debacle, mouth agape as I just couldn't believe some of the comments that the less than perfect panel were imparting on people. Gems such as, "you walk like a brickie" or implying not too subtly to one bloke that he's not got a pretty face and there were few other ways to make him successful. Happy, feel-good TV right?


The fact I was watching this was only moral dilemma number one. The second problem came during the show when two, young (but I'm assuming over 18) twin sisters rocked up. Now, I know that there may be some people who read this blog, that I used to work with, that may not agree in any way, shape or form with the issue I'm about to raise. And that's fine, because I know you're all really dirty old men ;-)

My problem is that as soon as these twin sisters turned up, and they were very cute and pretty, the faces of KP and her henchmen lit up. "Wow I can really see lots of potential and things I could do with you," exclaimed Katie (or something to that effect - didn't have dictaphone to hand at the time). The twins seemed happy too as they screeched, "we want to be you Katie!!!" Each to their own, but the creepy bit was when they both came out in matching, sexy, underwear and just how that would be marketable doesn't take much imagination.

Many blokes, I'm sure would lap that stuff up and I'm sure there have been plenty of sets of twins in adult magazines, but to me I think it's a little bit incestuous and very wrong. My skin crawled at the thought of these girls possibly doing topless shoots - of which there's every possibility considering Jordan's background - with each other, looking alluring and sexy with their come to bed eyes and the suggestion of a menage a trios.

Really, are these girls comfortable with the idea of having sex with each other? I'm not saying they will, it's the audience's fantasy that is being satisfied, but if I had a twin sister there wouldn't be any monetary figure in the world that would persuade me to appear as if I have, or would ever, have a sexual relationship with my sibling.

Overall we can surmise it was an uncomfortable half hour viewing and no matter how much curiosity I have to see how the fame game will play out for these poor, unfortunate souls, I won't be tuning in.

RoseC -x-  

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