I'm ill. I've got this stupid cold, sore throat bug that seems to have been going around school over the last week or so and had so far avoided it. I realised I'd been caught by this bug yesterday morning when I woke up and felt like my throat was on fire. The rest of me was alright though so I still went to work and waged war with this bug. Determined not to let it win I fought it (I think gallantly) with cough medicine, pain killers and shit loads of tissue, but when I woke up this morning with my sinuses throbbing and my voice box sounding like it had been replaced with that of a frog's and said frog was continually striking matches against my throat every time I tried to talk (as in it really hurt), I admitted defeat to the bug.
The reaction from work when I called in was quite astonishing too, as I got a, "Bloody hell Rose you sound rough as." That's not always what an ill person wants to hear because it just makes you feel more pity for yourself. I know I'm ill. I can feel that I'm ill. Please lets not be more dramatic than we need to be about this.
It's an odd ill too because it's literally all in my head. No, I don't mean that I'm crazy and imagining I'm sick, I mean it's all in my throat and nose, so the rest of me feels fine, I just didn't think it would be a good idea to go into school and cough all over the little darlings. It's tough enough as a TA to get the kids to listen to you on a normal day, to go in there diseased with no voice means that you would be ripped limb from limb like a diseased invalid and they'd hold you responsible the next time they get ill even if it's a month down the road. Kids never forget and it's just not worth the humiliation.
Having made my executive, and considerate/caring, decision to stay away from school today, but not feeling so ill that I'm bed ridden, rather than sit on the sofa and numb my brain with insufferable daytime TV, I've put my day to good use. Since having a bit of time off from the ruthless world of job searching and having turned 25, I am now ready to approach the search once more, trawl the job sites and write the endless number of covering letters to pimp myself out with a renewed enthusiasm. I've even joined a few recruitment sites to help me find the perfect media job. I like the idea of having little career pixies dashing around trying to find your ideal job so they can earn their commission, which in the job pixie's case would be a new pair of hip 'n' trendy pixie boots or a new hat. And when they found the right career for dithering numpties like myself that haven't had any career direction for months on end, they would do little star jumps of joy and cheer and toot miniature party blowers.
Hmm, perhaps the illness has gone to my head in more mental ways than I first thought....
Either way, I know I've not moved hugely on from square one in regards to getting myself back into the media sphere, but at least now I'm not feeling all agitated and grumpy about doing it. Perhaps I was spurred on by an email I received the other week from a job I'd applied for as a Junior Writer. Granted, it was a bit odd and there were mixed emotions because I got turned down for this job that I really wanted so was a bit disappointed, but unlike many media companies, this one actually took the time to get back to me and I found that refreshing and positive. Also they said:
'I would, however, like to take a moment to let you know you were one of those we considered to be in the small top band of submissions.'
See, that's nice. I was in the "small top band" and so that means that I'm not as shit as I was beginning to think I might be! Even though it was a rejection email there was still something positive in there that I've since found very motivational in my quest of finding another job. Not hearing back from places for months on end is fucking demoralising, so even this little pick me up has set me back on the right track...I hope.
Nice to end on a positive note I think. Apart from the being ill bit of course. Oh and I managed to slice the top of my finger open today while cutting a bagel. I feel there's a lesson to be learnt here: that cutting a bagel and trying to sneeze at the same time doesn't work!
Till next time,
RoseC -x-
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