Thursday, 9 July 2015

It's true, wedding planning turns you into an obsessive nobhead

Last week I learnt that trying to find miniature A-frame chalkboards within the UK is really difficult. In fact, I'd go as far to say it's almost impossible. I know this because I spent a total of around 15 hours (and then some) over the course of the week scouring every possible website and looks-like-they-might-sell-mini-chalkboards stores in London and I found only ONE retailer that had exactly what I was looking for.

The chalkboards are really important. They're for writing the table names on for my wedding. It's a vital part of the day, so that everyone can clearly see the name of the table. And no. I couldn't have settled for any old style, or an alternative design of chalkboard. It HAD to be this specific design, because it looks like a pub A-frame board and that's a really significant symbol for me and my husband-to-be.

Am I off my rocker? Possibly. Did I squeal with delight when I found them? Definitely. Did I almost cry when it became apparent that this single UK retailer didn't have the number of miniature A-frame chalkboards I wanted in stock in a single place and therefore had to ring round every shop in the UK, call their head office, dash across London and contact the German manufacturer to help me find the missing 2 I needed? Yes, but I did it with gritted teeth and determination, because gosh-fucking-darn-it I was not going to let those 15 hours go to waste and allow THESE PERFECT FUCKING CHALKBOARDS SLIP THROUGH MY FINGERS!


Once the "drama" was over, I also learnt something about myself: that I am not immune to being the typical Bride-to-Be where everything has to be just-so and I am willing to go crazy over finding exactly the right thing. I thought I was cool and calm about wedding planning, but it's funny how searching for miniature chalkboards can change that in an instant.

For you, when you're planning your wedding it might not be chalkboards, but could be flowers, wedding favours, a certain style of paper that you need for the invites because it folds correctly or holds the ink better when using that specific pen you bought for writing said invites. Whatever it is, deal with it and know that when wedding planning it's totally normal to become an obsessive nobhead over the littlest things that a week ago you didn't even know existed.


P.S. In case A-frame chalkboards are your obsessive thing and you're wondering what these perfect mini ones look like because you need some too, then see the picture below. And here is where to buy them...although you can't actually get any at the moment, because I already bought ALL of the ones they had available. I'm not even sorry.  



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