Tuesday, 14 January 2014

How to knock a country's sexual confidence

It's a sad fact that there is some really terrible sex writing out there. While I can't claim that everything I pen in relation to sex is "sparkling copy", at least it generally doesn't make people feel like shit (I hope), like I think this article would.

Titled, 'Why are British men so bad at sexting?', my major gripe with Rebecca Holman's piece was the total man-bashing of British men and the use of cliches and stereotypes to do this. Specifically, it was this paragraph that really pissed me off:

"Sexting is awkward, bad, sexist and never sexy. It’s the natural progression of a nation who once thought Benny Hill to be the height of sophisticated comedy. If a French man were to send me a sexto, it would be a perfectly worded combination of charm, smarm and sex, leaving me in a puddle of lust, excitement and shame on the floor."

Note the use of the word "if" in this paragraph, confirming that she doesn't actually have any hard evidence. I wouldn't mind so much if she didn't go on to write this: 

"I don’t know what it is, but in the UK, even the most articulate of chaps is reduced to the same combination of sexual clichés and inexplicably terrible spelling."

But hang on, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU JUST DID! Or, did Rebecca use that sexual cliche and stereotype of a French man to be ironic? I doubt it.

I don't intend to be bitchy and I'm not out to criticise anyone on a personal level by writing this. It simply makes me sad (and angry) to see an article like this when considering the bigger picture about the UK's attitude towards sex.

Going on my experience, adults in this country worry a lot about sex. They worry about whether they're good enough, if they're saying the right things, if they're satisfying their partner, if they're "weird" for having a particular fetish, or whether the sex they're having is "normal", whether they come too quickly, or take too long. Sadly we're in a society that has a big fucking fear about how good they are in the sack (a lot of the time) rather than remembering sex should be fun, and why do people worry so much? Partly because bullshit articles such as this get published, where a hugely uncorrelated link is made between how well someone can spell and text and how well they might be at sex (see third paragraph from the end).


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