Thursday, 19 December 2013

Condom Monologue

In my line of work you often stumble across some very interesting websites. I'll leave it to your imagination to think up where some of my web browsing sessions lead me and, yes, more often than not it is unsavoury, but never illegal I hasten to add!

There has been one very lovely website that I discovered recently that I would like to share with you, called Condom Monologues. It's exactly as it sounds: people from around the world, sharing their loves, hates and experiences with rubbers. Some are funny, some are sad and some are damn right outrageous, but the best thing is that the site is another cog in the greater machine that is adult sex education and positive awareness to safe sex methods. They also all come with an excellent illustration, or animation of some kind.

Having read many of them, I felt inspired to contribute my own condom monologue, which you can read here. How cool is the animation of the flying carpet and condoms?! (Answer: very). Writing about rain hats seems to be a bit of a theme at the moment, as I also recently had a piece published in Adult Sport magazine on why condoms are great. If possible, I'll put the PDF up on once the mag has come off shelf.

That's all for now and don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the tomboy articles. I have big plans for it in the New Year, so I hope to update that series soon.

RoseC -x- 

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