So I've been a busy little bumble-bee with all of this writing business over the last week and it seems to be going ok! Granted, I'm not making enough to really live off at the moment and am coming to terms with the fact that I'm going to have to get a 'proper' job sometime this month to pay the rent and bills, but hell, I've only been at it for a month (or a bit less) and I've already got myself three regular writing spots - did I mention that in a previous post?
"Who are you writing for?" I hear you cry, or if it wasn't you then maybe the mouse that lives in my room has just learnt to talk. Either way, I can tell you that I'm writing for:
Adventure Bike Rider magazine (I haven't ridden a motorbike since I was about 9 years old and that was my best friends mini moto, but I'm learning.) which is an urban gardening magazine. Again, I know I'm not the most green-fingered person, but I'm learning and I live in a city and I can write, so I qualify.
And the latest string to add to my bow, which many of you may be shocked by, yet at the same time delighted, is that I'm now editor and looking after all editorial content for Yes, it is exactly the kind of site you'd expect me to be writing for after my, ahem, long and, ahem, illustrious career at Harlot magazine.
Told you I was heading back to the gutter! In fact friends have said, "think of all the perks of the job" and, "the gutter is where you belong." Well, thanks guys.
I've been fairly restrained so far (well you know I love to be tied up), but I have many plans for the site that I hope I can pull off. (Oh god will the innuendo never end?!)
I know I ask for a lot of support from my friends and family already with what I do, but if you have it in your hearts to follow our Facebook page or follow the company on Twitter @vibesdirect (which I totally look after) I'd be eternally grateful. I'll make it worth your while though by filling it full of tasteful smut, comps and may even ask a few of you if you fancy writing a review. We'll see how it goes :-)
Oh and you can read some of the blogs I've put up there already by heading to
I've totally become a twitter whore over the last week or so too. It doesn't help that I've upgraded my phone so I now have one of these new fangled smart app telemaphone things. Although I'm on it a lot, especially for the new jobs, I'm glad to say I've not quite reached the point where I'm telling the world that I'm going for a shit.
The downside is that because I'm on it so much, tweeting, texting, playing Word Scramble, I think it's giving me repetitive strain injury, or RSI as us suffers like to call it. I find my hand spasming at the end of each working day and constantly fixed in the smart phone grip and finger point position. Hopefully it won't become possessed due to all the demands I'm putting on it and turn on me like some freakish, murder hungry Idle Hands situation.
RoseC -x-
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