I'm really feeling like I want to blog tonight, but I have no idea on what subject or what about, which is frustrating as there are a number of topics and amusing and/or interesting anecdotal incidents that have happened in my life over the last few weeks that I could write a witty or interesting blog post about. These could range from my creative splurge - a complete out pour of creative ideas that had me up writing until two in the morning - , my worst nightmare of getting lost in a large field, or my nerves and excitement about taking my first class next week.
All of these wonderful and possibly interesting posts that could simply spill out of me at any moment as I log onto my blog to write, but now that I'm here I find that there's nothing that wants to come out. I wonder if it's the bottle of red wine I've consumed this afternoon/evening that seems to have numbed my brain and dumbed my senses; we can definitely deduce that I'm in a comfortably numb state, which I think is important right now as I've been deserted by everyone in the house, and the impending doom that a firework is set to crash through my window at any moment as the kids outside 'play' at setting them off on a busy terraced street, fills me with apprehension. I'm thankful then that the bottle of red seems to have taken the edge off this fear and coupled with the jovial face of Michael McIntyre I feel that I'm in much more of a subdued state and ready to deal with any highly dangerous situation in an action-hero, slow-mo type sequence.
Fear aside, there are some benefits I suppose to having the house to myself: I have complete control of the TV, I don't need to do my washing up straight away because there aren't another four people needing to use the kitchen, I can fart when and where I want, hell I could even stroll around the house naked and not need to worry a jot because I'm here on my own and it's my prerogative! For all you know maybe I am indeed nude right now, jotting down all these red wine induced thoughts and enjoying the liberties of being alone...
Luckily for you though, and for the housemate I currently hear unlocking the deadlock of the door, that I am indeed clothed. Long gone are my days of public nudity - or at least for now - and so any rude inferences you may think you have gleamed about me from this post, you can now delete from your memory.
Ahh the joy of random red wine ramblings, and with that I bid ye good night!
RoseC -x-
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