Monday, 15 August 2011

A long, long way from home

I'm officially the furthest away from home I've EVER been! After a gruelling 21 hour flight, I now find myself on t'other side of the world in Australia and shit the bed, I'm loving it! Granted the first day or so was jet lag hell, but I've now settled into the relaxed vibe and routine of Brisbane City life and have found that I've slipped into it really rather well. The main thing I've picked up on is that it's not like any city in the UK, which is generally full of busy people rushing around, getting impatient and pissed off with each other. None of that here and it's quite liberating. Not missing London one iota at the moment and can't see that I'll start to in the next two weeks of being here.

Although I'm only three days into the holiday I feel like I've already experienced so much. Course we're here to catch up with all of The Boy's family and friends (if you didn't know he's Australian), and on my first night was thrown in at the deep end and met the whole of his crew. We were introduced in true Aussie style with a full on BBQ, drinking session and little garden camp fire at one of his mates house. As well as it being fun times, it was also to help piece together the host's garden after it got trashed in the floods. It's amazing that five or so months on since it happened everything seems to have been put back together rather well and you'd never have guessed it even occurred. Crazy.

Anyhoo, the guys did much digging and hoeing...I was there more for the morale support and onlooking. I think I did good with that. I didn't do so well when I came face to face with a large praying mantis, freaked out and spilt my cider. Typically lived up to the wimpy Pommy stereotype there.

Also much loving the cafe culture here. Taking a wonder down to one of the many good coffee shops in the warm 'winter' sunshine and chilling out for an hour is the way every morning should start in my opinion. *Sigh* yep, could definitely see myself happily staying here for a while.

Off to see a platypus and some flying foxes tomorrow. Fuck yeah! I'll also get to hug a koala in a total cliched tourist way. Right now though I'm too relaxed to type any more so will sign off.

Ciao for now,

RoseC -x-

1 comment:

  1. and the thing is rose . . . it was only a baby praying mantis.


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