*Sigh*...I'm totally annoyed right now. I'm sorry that I've not posted for a little while and now the first time I come back it's to have a moan, but I feel I can be excused as I explained in my last post that things are a little hectic round here right now.
Anyway, that's not why I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed because today I realised that I don't like shopping. After a trip yesterday to Camden, and today to Oxford Street and not finding a single item of clothing that I want to buy has made me feel disillusioned and disappointed and hate the world of fashion right now. It also means I'm totally going against every female fibre in my body that should love shopping. Now the thought that I'm disgracing female kind is weighing on my shoulders. Argh.
It's totally not all my fault though that I can't get my head around and embrace the (hideous) new fashion of high-waisted, floral flared trousers and now I feel angry at the high-street for not considering everyones different styles. What kicked it all off was my simple desire to get a new pair of skate shoes that fit me properly. Last year I snapped up a nifty pair of DCs, but didn't try them on properly and have since found they're bit too small and make my feet hurt. Lame. So now I need another pair to try an replace my beloved pair of Etnies which I have worn out to the point that there are holes in the bottom and the back. Not ideal to wear when raining.
So, used to having endless displays of skate shoes at my disposal I thought it wouldn't be a problem to pick up a new pair. Little did I know that that the well stocked skate shop in Covent Garden had closed down, that Schuh have significantly decreased there ladies skate shoe stock and even Camden seem to be cleaning up there act of possibly knocked off DCs, that I now find my options have diminished. After three different trips to look specifically for a pair of shoes to replace the Etnies I have admitted defeat and started to accept that I am out of fashion. Skate fashion for ladies is clearly so passe, but you've got more chance of finding rocking horse shit than spotting me in high-waisted floral trousers or wedges decorated with the feathers of dead birds.
There is the potential that Australia might have what I need, but I can't believe I've gotta fly to the other side of the world just to satisfy my personal style.
Fashion is lame.
Moan over, goodnight!
RoseC -x-
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