There's the smell of heavy rain in the air. I love that smell; it's a real stuffy smell where every natural scent seems to linger, whether it's fresh grass, the flowers, or the smell of the fountain as the wind blows the spray back. Granted it's not the easiest smell to describe because its the mingling of all these scents that make that wet, lovely, spring smell that rain is on the way and that everything will smell fresh again rather than hanging heavy in the air. That make sense?
Have to admit, it made my cycle home from work very pleasurable, but as I can smell rain it inevitably means that the wet stuff is on its way...apparently tomorrow which means I probably won't be riding in to work in the morning. Boo and hiss.
In other news, I'm currently working on my next lot of beauty articles for the magazine I'm freelancing for each month. I can reveal that it's called Deluxo and the website is now up and running, which you can see here Yes, I'm afraid I'm shamelessly self-plugging in this blog, but that's because I'm excited to see the first issue. It'll be the first features I've had in print since Scarlet closed and even though I've written stuff since that in Harlot, it was never really the same having it online as it is in print.
I'm a complete traditionalist when it comes to magazines and wanting to pick up a mag from the news agents and physically flick through it. I guess that's why a lot of the journalist jobs I've since applied for have been for print magazines rather than online ventures. Part of me knows the reality though that everything is shifting online, obviously its a natural technological progression that the media has to keep up with and in many ways its fantastic for young/new freelance journalists like me because the scope, number and genre variety of online magazines is now so much wider that there are more opportunities for us to write and get more experience.
I'll never admit it more than this once, but I always thought that maybe I had missed a trick with Harlot magazine and not pushing it further or making more of it. It could have been great, it could have been the best, sexiest women's online magazine out there, but it just didn't have the backing, support or the right people working on it. For me it was tough because I was still learning on the job, I'd only been working as a journalist for a year and then was thrown into doing this on my own editorially. It was mad, but hindsight makes me think that it could have been fabulous and I wonder if I really missed an opportunity there?
*Sigh* Enough dwelling on that topic! The main thing is that I'm proper excited about seeing something I've 'penned' in print again. Happy days...and check out the site if you get time, oh and get on the Deluxo facebook page too.
RoseC -x-
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